Chat Rules:
1. No spamming or flooding the chat with messages. Do not type in ALL CAPS.
2. No text walls or a large paragraphs of text. Make a thread on the forum or use Pastebin/Pastie to post a large block of text.
3. No bashing or heated arguments to other people in the chat.
4. No adult (18+), explicit, or controversial messages.
5. No racist or degrading content (racial terms are not allowed).
6. No excessively cursing.
7. No advertising other sites/discord servers (Permission must be requested from Staff).
8. No referral links.
9. No begging or repeatedly asking for help in the chat, please keep question in the #help channel or the forums. Constantly asking basic questions will lead to administrative action
10. No offensive names.
11. Inviting unofficial bots is NOT ALLOWED without administrative approval, any bots that are found will be INSTANTLY BANNED without warning.
12. Do not use the @.everyone / @.here ping without permission.
13. Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs, and other exploits that will cause an incident within the community and other players.
14. Do not cause a nuisance in the community, repeated complaints from several members will lead to administrative action.
15. Do not argue with staff. Decisions are final.
16. Do not (@) ping or (Direct Message) admins.
Voice Chat-Specific Rules:
1. No voice chat surfing or switching channels repeatedly.
2. No annoying, loud or high pitch noises.
3. Reduce the amount of background noise, if possible. Resort to push to talk in your settings to reduce the issue.
4. You will be removed if sound quality is poor to other members.
Bot Specific Rules:
1. Do not spam commands
2. Do not use the bot to play loud music.
3. Do not play music over 30 minutes long.
4. Do not use macros, hacks, etc with the bot. 5. Do not add any commands.